Tuesday, May 13, 2008

lab 1 & 2, Final Lab & Ethical Essay

Lab 1 About Pregnancy
I could not get the pictures to load so I am going to email them to you.

Pic 1
Trophoblast cells continue to engulf and destroy cells of the uterine lining creating blood pools and stimulating new capillaries to grow - beginning the growth of the placenta.
The blastocyst inner cell mass differentiates into two layers:
EPIBLAST The top layer of cells (dark blue) which will become the embryo and amniotic cavity.
HYPOBLAST Lower layer of cells (yellow) which become the yolk sac.Ectopic pregnancies - implantation sites not in the uterus - can occur at this time and may continue up to 16 weeks unnoticed. Quick diagnosis can pharmacologically treat without surgery preserving the site of the pregnancy.

Pic 2
Esophagus Forming stage 16
SIZE: 5.0 - 7.0 mm31- 35 days post-ovulationn
Head and NeckThe brain and head grow rapidly. The mandibular and hyoid arches are noticeable. Ridges demarcate the three sections of the brain (midbrain, forebrain and hindbrain). The spinal cord wall at this stage contains three zones: the ventricular, the mantle and the marginal. The ventricular zone will form neurons, glial cells and ependymal cells, the intermediate mantle will form neuron clusters and the marginal zone will contain processes of neurons. Adenohypophyseal pouch, which will develop into the anterior pituitary, is defined.Lens vesicle opens to the surface and is nestled within the otptic cup. Otic vesicle increases its size by approximately one-fourth and its endolymphatic appendage is more defined. Nasal plate can be detected by thickened ectoderm.ThoraxEsophagus, the tube through which food is swallowed, forms from a groove of tissue that separates from the trachea, which is also visible.Semilunar valves begin to form in the heart. Four major subdivisions of the heart (the trabeculated left and right ventricles, the conus cords and the truncus arteriosus) are clearly defined. Two sprouts, a ventral one from the aortic sac and a dorsal one from the aorta, form the pulmonary (sixth aortic) arch.Right and left lung sacs lie on either side of the esophagus.Abdomen and Pelvic RegionsUreteric bud appear. Metanephros, which will eventually form the permanent kidney, is developing.LimbsUpper limbs elongate into cylindrically-shaped buds, tapering at tip to eventually form hand plate. Nerve distribution process, innervation, begins in the upper limbs

Pic 3
Hindbrain Begins to Develop
SIZE: 9.0 - 11.0 mmTIME PERIOD: 37 - 42 days post-ovulation
I think that the first few weeks are extremely important because if one thing is not right then it effects the rest of the formation later on. From the cell division to the development of limbs, heart and lungs.
Head and NeckBrain is well marked by its cerebral hemispheres. The hindbrain, which is responsible for heart regulation, breathing and muscle movements, begins to develop.Future lower jaw, the first part of face to be established, is now visible while future upper jaw is present, but not demarcated.Mesenchymal cells originating in the primitive streak, the neural crest and the prechordal plate, continue to form the skull and the face.External retina pigment is visible and the lens pit has grown into a D shape. Nasal pits are still two separate plates, but they rotate to face ventrally as head widens.
ThoraxPrimary cardiac tube separates into aortic and pulmonary channels and the ventricular pouches deepen and enlarge, forming a common wall with their myocardial shells. Mammary gland tissue begins to mature.Abdomen and Pelvic RegionsThe mesentery, which attaches the intestines to the rear abdominal wall, holds them in position and supplies them with blood, nerves and lymphatics, is now clearly defined. Ureter, the tube that will convey urine from the kidney to the bladder, continues to lengthen. Proliferation of the coelomic epithelium indicates the gonadal primordium.LimbsHand region of upper limb bud differentiates further to form a central carpal part and a digital plate. The thigh (rostrolateral part), leg (the caudomedial part) and foot areas can be distinguished in the lower limb buds.

Pic 4
Spontaneous Movement Begins. ••••• Stage 20 first trimester
SIZE: 15.0 - 20.0 mm51 - 53 days post-ovulation
I think this stage is important because movement spontaneously happening and the elbows bend and extend. Joints are forming and the anal membrane is perforated at this time.
Head and NeckBrain is connected to tiny muscles and nerves and enables the embryo to make spontaneous movements. The scalp plexus is now present. Nasal openings and the tip of the nose are fully formed.PelvisAnal membrane is perforated. Urogenital membranes differentiate in male and female embryos. Testes or ovaries are distinguishable.LimbsThe upper limbs become longer and continue to bend at the elbows and extend forward. Skin on the foot plate folds down between the future toes, each distinguishable from the other.nd get stronger.

Pic 5
Bone marrow starts making blood cells 20 weeks
The crown-to-rump length 5.6 to 6.4 inches (14 to 16cm).
I think this stage is important because the heart beat gets stronger and bloods cells are being formed in the blood marrow.
Head and NeckExtremely rapid brain growth begins lasting until five years after birth. Eyebrows and scalp hair become more visible and fetus blinks more often. Lanugo hair covers body completely, although concentrated around head, neck and face.ThoraxHeart beat grows stronger.PelvisTestes of male fetuses begin descending from the pelvis into the scrotum.LimbsLegs approach final length and proportion relative to body. Arms and legs move with more force, as muscles strengthen. Skeleton hardens. Hand strength improves. Although the placenta provides nearly all fetal nourishment, fetus will begin to absorb small amounts of sugar from swallowed amniotic fluid. By 21 weeks, fetal bone marrow starts making blood cells — previously done by the liver and spleen.

Pic 6
Possible hearing 22 weeks
SIZE: weight about 12.25 ounces (350g). Crown-to-rump length at this time is about 7.6 inches (19cm).
I think this stage of development is important because the fetus is able to recognize sounds, breathing, and digestion. It is a time of bonding with the mother.
Head and NeckBones of the ear - hammer, anvil and stirrup - harden, making sound conduction possible. Fetus recognizes maternal sounds such as breathing, heartbeat, voice, and digestion.Thorax Respiratory system continues to develop; lungs are not yet able to transfer oxygen to bloodstream and release carbon dioxide by exhaling.AbdomenBones, muscles and organs are growing steadily.SkinBlood vessels, bones and organs are visible underneath a thin layer of wrinkled, translucent, pink skin.

Pic 7
Brain activity 24 weeks
weight about about 1.2 pounds (540g). Its crown-to-rump length is about 8.4 inches (21cm). Mother's Size:
I think this important because the spine is continuing to form during this time as well as joints and liagments… the foundation for growth and movement.
Head and NeckFetal brain waves begin to activate auditory and visual systems, both mouth and lips show more sensitivity. Eyes respond to light, while ears respond to sounds originating outside uterus. Permanent teeth buds appear high in gums. Nostrils begin to open. Reflex movements improve.Thorax Blood vessels start to develop in lungs to prepare fetus for life outside the uterus. These bloods vessels will eventually exchange oxygen and circulate it to tissues. Air sacs, alveoli, have developed in lungs and begin to produce surfactant, a substance that keeps the lung tissue from sticking to itself. However, lungs are not completely ready to breath air.Limbs Finger and toe nails continue to grow.SpineThe spine consists of 33 rings, 150 joints and 1,000 ligaments, supporting fetal body weight as it develops and strengthens.

Pic 8
Brain Surface Convolutions Begin. ••••• 28 weeks
Fetal size: weight almost 2.4 pounds (1.1kg). Crown-to-rump length is close to 10 inches (25cm). Total length is 15.75 inches (35cm).
I think this is important because the breathing abd body temperatures are regulated by the brain. I think this is vital to surviving after birth.
Head and NeckFetal brain's surface appears wrinkled. These convolutions provide more surface area and maximize brain cells. Rhythmic beathing and body temperature are now controlled by the brain.Lanugo hair has disappeared almost completely, except on back and shoulders. Head hair is present.LimbsProduction of red blood cells is entirely tasken over by the bone marrow.AbdomenFetal body is two to three percent body fat.SkinSkin begins to smoothen as fat deposits accumulate underneath. The fat insulates and is an energy source.

Pic 9
Rapid brain growth; head size increases. ••••• 30 weeksFetal size:
weight about 3 pounds (1.35kg). Its crown-to-rump length is a little over 10.8 inches (27cm), and total length is 17 inches (38cm).I think this is important because the growth of the brain is vital to the inner works of the body. Any abnormalities could possibly lead to disruption in homeostasis.
Head and NeckRapid brain growth continues and head size increases as the growing brain pushes the skull outward creating more surface convolutions. This quick growth increases the number of interconnections between individual nerve cells. The iris is colored and the pupil reflexes responding to light. Head hair grows thicker.
LimbsToenails are fully formed. Because of the lack of space in the uterus, the legs are drawn up in what is known as the fetal position.

Pic 10
Fetus Begins To Develop Immune System. ••••• 32 weeksFetal size:
weight almost 4 pounds (1.8kg). Crown-to-rump length is over 11.6 inches (29cm), and total length is 18.9 inches (42cm).II think this is important because it is when the development begins for the immune system which is necessary for the baby when born to aid them in fighting infections and diseases that might arise.Head and NeckEyes open during alert times and close during sleep. Eye color is usually blue, regardless of the permanent color as pigmentation is not fully developed. Final formation of eye pigmentation requires exposure to light and usually happens a few weeks after birth. The iris is colored and the pupil reflexes responding to light. Head hair grows thicker.AbdomenFetus begins to develop its own immune system. LimbsFingernails reach over finger tips and fetus can scratch itself.SkinWhite fat builds up underneath skin, making fetus appear lighter in color.

Pic 11
Abdomen is large and round as fetal liver is producing blood cells. •••••
38 weeks Fetal size:
weight a little more than 6.8 pounds (3.1kg). Crown-to-rump length hasn’t changed much; it’s still about 14 inches (35cm). Total length is around 21 inches (47cm).Mother's size: From the pubic symphysis to the top of the uterus, measures approximately 14.4 to 15.2 inches (36 to 38cm). From your bellybutton to the top of your uterus is about 6.4 to 7.2 inches (16 to 18cm).
HeadSkull is not fully solid as the five bony plates, known as fontanels (little fountains), are still separate and can be pushed together. Birth may mold and elongate the fetal head, a safety precaution to reduce the skull's diameter for an easier birth, without damaging the fetal brain. After delivery, the baby's head returns to a rounded shape. Eyes have no tear ducts yet, they appear a few weeks after birth. ThoraxChest is more prominent. Lungs begin to increase production of surfactant to keep alveoli open.AbdomenFetal abdomen is large and round mainly due to the liver which is producing red blood cells.SkinLast of vernix usually disappears, but may remain until birth. Skin becomes thicker and paler (white or bluish pink) and each day the fetus gains 1/2 ounce (14 g) of fat.

Pic 12
Fetus now considered full term. ••••• 40 weeksFetal size: weight about 7.5 pounds (3.4kg). Crown-to-rump length about 14.8 to 15.2 inches (37 to 38cm). Total length is 21.5 inches (48cm)Mother's size: From the pubic symphysis to the top of the uterus, measures approximately 14.4 to 16 inches (36 to 40cm). From your bellybutton to the top of your uterus is 6.4 to 8 inches (16 to 20cm).
AbdomenFifteen percent of body is fat, eighty percent of which is underneath the skin, the other twenty percent surrounds the organs. LimbsAt the time of birth, the baby has a total of 300 bones. Some bones will fuse together later, which is why an adult has only 206 bones.AbdomenFetal abdomen is large and round mainly due to the liver which is producing red blood cells.Nervous SystemA fetus can display more than seventy different reflex system behaviors which are automatic and unlearned behaviors necessary for survival.

Final lab
Dog Gizmo:
Canis lupus familiaris: symbiotic;they provide companionship
We have been co existing with this type of animal for quite some time.

Dog kisses : Canis lupus familiaris: mutuality… unless youa re tlking about wolves or coyotes then it is predator/ prey. Dogs do contain the virus that may cause strep throat which in turn may cause heart conditions and high fevers. Before the development of antibiotics it was not possible to fight off serious implications that might have taken place if contracting the virus.
Many people I have seen allow their dog to kiss them on the lips and lick them all over so co-existing has been going on for quite some time.
Petting the guinea pig:
Cavia porcellus (in the wild) they help in keeping vegitation done to a minium in the areas in which that inhabit. We have co-existed with these little guys for quite some time. They are in the wild and have been domesticated and considered to be a very good first pet for young kids.

Holding a Lizard: Draco volans: symbiotic: Lizards are native to certain areas of the world from the wetlands to the deserts and haven’t been a problem for us yet. Although they do have the possibility to contain what is called salmanilla.

Bird feathers : Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Aves
Bird and the bees have been around for quite some time and co-existing has been moving along. Although recently and presently we are experiencing problems with avian flu. This has taken its toll on many people hospitalizing and even threatening the lives of those who come in contact with it.

Pairie dogs playing in dirt: Cynomys ludovicianus (black-tailed prairie dog)
These little guys were digging holes in a vacant area in Colorado and I noticed that children had even built a fort close to the area where these little guys were taking up residency.

Holding my cat: Felidae: symbiotic
Cats domesticated and farrow have been around for hundreds of years. We have co-existed with them and adapted threw the years. But I have heard of cat scratch fever as well as the little box changing and aromas that are inhaled are not good for pregnant people to be around.

Feeding a Tiger: Panthera tigris : predator/prey
We are co-existing with these great creatures but actually it is not suggested that we jump in their and play with them. When I fed this guy I had to put on latex gloves and wash my hands with sanitizer. So I am not sure if I actually had to wear these gloves to protect me from getting something from them or to prevent me from giving something to the tiger!

Feeding a goldfish: Carassius auratus: symbiotic
The goldfish is domesticated and considered to be a great pet. Algae does grow in the side of the aquarium and the water actually has a tendency to smell. I would not suggest drinking that as a cocktail.

Mistletoe growing on tree: Arceuthobium campylopodum: parasitic
Mistletoe is not harmful to us but it does pose a threat to the trees it preys upon. If the mistletoe is not taken under control then it could lead to the overall destruction to the tree it is living off of.
Dead heading flowering bushes:
Magnoliophyta:mutualism: it helps in prolonging the blooming fo these flowers. We do co-exist with many plants and some of which that if ingested may cause illness, death, or joy.

Biting finger nail: Commensal: there are not harmful germs under the nails but after a day in the experiences of life there could be colds, flu, and harmful bacteria that could be found under the nails.

Hummingbird on bush: Trochilidae: mutualism: Hummingbirds are great for our environment they help in spreading pollen from plant to plant. Therefore leading to mreo and more hybrid or populating plants.

Lab 2 Population

1. What was your high fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?The high fertility rate country I chose was the United States. The fertility rate was 2 children. Benin was a small country but a high rise in population. Fertility rate of 6.90 and the life expectancy was 50.9

2. What was your low fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?Ireland was the country I picked and the fertility rate was 2 children.

3. The initial demographic "shape" of your high fertility rate country should have been a pyramid, with high population in young age groups. Explain why high fertility rate results in a high percentage of young people in the population. How does this affect future population growth? Younger people being born in vast numbers can throw off the number of people that would be able to marry. With people living longer. There leaves a gap. Many kids being born. People living longer might pose a problem as well. Young people having babies and “flooding the market” so to speak.4. Your low fertility rate country might have had a more oval-shaped curve with high population in middle age groups. This is especially exaggerated if the fertility rate is below 2.00. Explain why low fertility rate leads to lots of middle-aged people. Lots of middle aged people are vastly populated countries with low fertility rates because there are not as many people being born and the people populating the region of aging. This could be associated with a larger fertility rate during their generation.5. Write ten adjectives or descriptive phrases for what you might expect life, people's attitudes, conditions on the streets, etc. will be like in each of those situations. Imagine a situation with lots of middle-aged and older people in the population and write ten quick "brain-storm" descriptors for you think it would be like (Prescott, Arizona?). Then do the same for a situation with lots of children in the population.
Middle aged and older people adjectives
Traditional, educated, involved, mellow, stable, crafty, dog lovers, caring, loving, tired, old-fashioned, and ethical
Younger populated areas:
Reckless, violence, death, rowdy, athletic, energetic, school oriented, friendly, laughter, smiles, and carefree

Ethical Essay

When thinking about who should reproduce and who should not it is a question of personal in nature. It is all a matter of opinion that can not just be decided by the government. In China, they decided that there should be a limit to how many children each family could actually have. This not only aided in reducing the amount of energy used and strain on the country but now the country is in much better shape. Although I understand why it was done. If you are in a sinking ship do you stay on board or begin to identify the problem and fix it? With China they decided to fix the problem and have been reaping the benefits of such restrictions. We live in a society of freedom of speech and it was often thought by Americans that the restrictions placed on people as to how many children they may be able or not be able to produce would be a violation. But if you look at the broader picture population restrictions it is a means to an ends. If the country is struggling to make it work and provide for the people populating it then something needs to be done. This is what is happening in many third world countries and it is not getting them any further ahead of the poverty, sickness, and overwhelming incidents of birth defects and in Africa’s case the out of control epidemic of the AIDS virus. Maybe population regulations or sterilization would be beneficial to those countries. I am not sure if denying monies to those countries would be of assistance if anything it would lead to starvation and absence of medical availabilities would not benefit them in anyway unless death is the answer. We also need to look at our own environment. We are losing farming land due to land developments for subdivisions. We are having water shortages and restrictions for people due to usage and drought reasons. We are one of the largest polluting driven countries in the world and we are all, throughout the world, contributing to the depletion of the rainforest and the ozone layer. We have to look out for our future. Many times we just live in the now but we need to think of our children and the future that they might have. Population restrictions might be the necessary step that is needed in order to get the out of control population growth throughout the world under control. I don’t think that it needs to come down to deciding who is capable of raising a child. Or it needs to go into the background of the person as to whether or not this person should procreate but instead maybe restrictions on the amount of children a person can have might be a consideration. I mean goodness we have some people who have 10 and 12 children. This might have been necessary in the times of ranches and needing the helping hands to aid in the maintenance of the property. In third world countries sterilization has often been brought to the for front as a way of reducing population growth but it is a controversial idea. In talking about population reduction maybe instead of the families benefiting in the number of children they have an alternative to that might be offering stimulus packages for those people who only have 2 children or less. Not making it a requirement but instead an incentive because we are helping the environment. I mean people receive rebates for using solar power on their homes why not extend those to families that are helping to reduce the population growth.

Self Evaluation

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
I am proud of my ethical essay, compendium reviews and I enjoyed reading the web links.

2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement? I have spend endless hours trying to figure out what in the world is going on with downloading pictures. So I am not happy with not having that on here. I think I could have done better on the final lab with more examples.

3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
I think I should get a B because I don't have my pictures up. I am going to keep on trying so I am thinking maybe an A for effort.

4. How could I perform better in the next unit?

By not waiting until the last minute to post my posts. I was so excited about having teh work completed and to be done with the course and that quickly turned to aggrevation in an instant because it was not going as planned.

At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
I loved the chapters on evolution. I think that is very interesting. Fossils and foot steps in teh past always intrigue me.

At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?
I felt like that when I was learning about meiosis and mitosis.

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful?
I liked the way the teacher was just an email away. Although... I felt frustrated because I could have turned in teh information if I had been able to just take it over to him.

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing? nothing.

What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
I think this unit made me really stop and reflect and think about about the past and where we might have come from and the future where is the world going to be in 40 years! VERY INTERESTING!

1 comment:

Celina said...

What are the two best features of the essay?

I feel the 2 best features of the essay are the organization and flow of the material.

What are the two things that could most be improved?

There could have been more #'s to support the issue, and to have both sides more defined.

What is something new that the essay made you think or reflect upon?

How many children I should have, I am already pregnant with my second, so should I stop after this one?

What most surprised you in the essay?

Nothing really suprised me about the essay.