Monday, February 18, 2008

Genetics & Ethics Going Hand in Hand ??

Genetic engineering, by definition, “the artificial manipulation of genes in which certain genes from one organism are removed and transferred to another organism of the same or a different species. This permits scientists to transfer important genes to improve species-- for example, to increase resistance to disease.” When I think of it I often reflect back to the movie, Jurassic Park. That was probably the first time I ever really saw anything like that. I thought there is no way that could be possible, after all, it is a science fiction movie, the key word being movie. But I was wrong. There are many cases in which scientific genetic engineering is taking place. But there is only one that is really heard of on television or even in the magazines or papers and that is cloning. So, whether it’s thought of as right or wrong, good or bad, I think we are limited by our knowledge regarding this issue. Regardless of what type of cloning is brought to mind geneticists seem to think it will be helpful and necessary in the future. There are a couple of different ways that cloning and recombinant DNA technology is being used or could be used in the future that may actually be beneficial.
Reproductive cloning is the most widely known cloning being done today. This type of cloning is the ability to reproduce an animal. The most popular one is the cloning of the sheep, Dolly. Reproductive cloning is achieved by taking the DNA of a sheep and generating another animal. To accomplish such feats all that are required is that DNA from the animal, you wish to replicate, be taken and put into the egg whose genetic material has been taken out. After that is done then what is needed is an electric charge to jump start the cell division. After it gets so big then the embryo is transferred into a surrogate to complete the development of the cloned animal. The cloned animals are not identical to the original. This technique, although some might find controversial, is actually when applied to the endangered species scenario is actually beneficial, in my opinion. But then again maybe it is the circle of life by which should not be messed with. The success rate of this type of cloning is not very good and is extremely expensive. Dolly, even though she was considered to be a success, she only lived about half the age of those sheep of the same breed and she had a few medical problems as well. Reproductive cloning can be used to reproduce better breeds of animals. Or plants that may produce better bigger fruit and nutrient rich vegetables.
Therapeutic cloning is another type of cloning that is being attempted. This is often times referred to as, “embryo cloning.” This is where the human embryos are formed for the basis of research. The objective is not to replicate humans but instead make stem cells. The harvesting of stem cells is what makes this important. It is thought that through further scientific study that scientists might be able to aid those stricken with Alzheimer’s, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease. These stem cells may then be used to help improve or even regenerate damaged cell areas. Therapeutic cloning may be also be used to generate cells into tissues and tissues into organs for transplants. Then the need for organ transplant would be lower and the ability to save human life could be higher. In order to clone a human embryo scientists have to gather up women’s’ eggs and then remove the genetic material. Once the genetic material is removed then a skin cell is put in and after is has divided multiple times they extract the stem cells. Stem cells are a glimmer of hope to help in the curing of these diseases that seem incurable.
Genetic engineering is not only limited to cloning but it branched out into couple of different branches. It is currently being used for mass producing vaccines and treatments necessary for people suffering from various abnormalities or infections. Some break through are growth hormones, insulin, and vaccines such as those needed to prevent hepatitis A, B, and C. A couple of other positive effects of recombinant DNA is the ability to use DNA probes. These are used to map human chromosomes, detect infectious diseases, and find genetic disorders.
Genetic engineering and biotechnology is a field that has a lot of potential. It ranges in benefits from plants and nutrition to health and infectious diseases. Cloning is a controversial concept that raises a lot of questions. It is still too early to tell the benefits of this journey. Until all the information and data is collected it is too early to tell if it is something that will be beneficial to future mankind.

Self Evaluation

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
I am proud of the genetics part of my assignment. I think that is probably because I really enjoyed learning about that aspect of the human body. Matching the dragons and punnet squares.
2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?
I think I could have done better on DNA and RNA segment part of the cell model.
3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
I think my overall grade for this unit should be an A. I think I put in the time and energy that was required and then some. I think this is a very demanding course and I persevered.
4. How could I perform better in the next unit?
Test better on the quizzes and not ask so many questions…haha.
At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
During the cell unit and the model building.
At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?
During the blog set up and learning of all the techniques of how to copy and paste photos and all the technicalities.
What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful?
That the teacher seemed to be available for any of my hair brained questions.
What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?
What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
The importance and ultimately everything that the cell does for the body. It is absolutely amazing!


Larry Frolich said...

Courtney Midkiff
Thanks for this honest self-reflection. Yes, it looks like you’ve done a great and complete and I’m glad for the little help I might have given. Yes, cells are amazing—a world into themselves.

Your compendiums are very complete with great images and you even credit where the images are from. They are well organized as I can tell from the table of contents. I would encourage to use sub-headings within the review itself based on that table of contents so it is obvious where one section ends and the next one starts. I know it’s hard, but it would also be great to have the images in the compendium, but no big deal..if you work out on the blog for next time…

Same as for above.

This lab, as well as the genetics lab, are exemplary. You’ve got the images right, you put in all the definitions and give nice expanations. Way to go!

See above.

Beautiful model…so colorful and spongy. And everything is as it should be, labeled and nice close-ups of DNA. You’re right, the couple of photos for protein synthesis might have been more complete and actually showing the process like you did for DNA replication. But no big deal…really nice model.

Interesting and well-developed essay. You give a good background on cloning and then point out some of its potential benefits and possible dangers with a good conclusion that we still need more info about where it might go or how beneficial/detrimental it might be.’

Please don’t forget to do your peer color group feedback on their ethical issues essays—you’ll probably find it interesting to see some other blogs also. And get started on Unit II if you haven’t already. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this feedback or your grades which can be seen on the YC Blackboard site.

This is great work…nearly perfect. You’ve got all the assignments and with care and very complete. You’ll see a couple of minor things above, but just keep it up…I think you’ll find the next unit to be a bit less new material.

Celina said...

Peer Feedback from Celina

I though that your ethical issues was exemplart. It was well organized, you gave great examples and it was easy to understand the material. I thing that the 2 best features of the essay are how well organized it was and all the great examples. The only thing I think that could have been improved was to tell more about what you think he future of cloning will be.