Thursday, February 7, 2008

Me & My Microscope

The microscope was one of the best inventions in medicine that we have today. When we were kids I think at one point in time we all put a microscope on our wish list. The first time I ever used a microscope was when I was in 6th grade and we looked under the microscope at the water that came from our drinking fountain. Since then I have been hooked. It amazed me that all movement that I saw was from just a few droplets of water from an everyday source. It made me think how many other things am I ingesting in the air or otherwise that I can't see with the naked eye. It allows us to explore and adventure throughout the paths of medicine. We are able to look at cells in the human body to plant life and better define different strains of bacterias, viruses, or illnesses. We are able to use the microscope to find solutions, cures, or answer questions that are otherwise unknown. For example, why does the AIDS virus attack our T cells and how? Or what commonalities do people have that have alzheimers, or parkinsons? Or let's take it to a more simple thought we are able to see cells and how they divide and defend our body against viruses, bacteria, and other unknown. It does not just stop there either but the micorscope helps our pets too by looking at different specimens sandwiched between two thin pieces of glass. I have not given it much thought but where would the world of medicine be without the invention of the microscope. We are able to answer these questions and many others by slipping a slide under the microscope, adding some magnification, light, and intellegence. Take a look at just an ordinary cheek cell and tell me that the microscope is not amazing!

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