Monday, February 11, 2008

Genetics & Heredity

"They are elementary particals which form the embryoare each drawn from the corresponding structure in the parent... so that in the offspring they will reflect and reproduce a resemblance to the parents." This was stated by Peter de Maupperuis in 1751.
Much of the knowledge heredity and genetics that was done early on was done by Gregor Mendel.
Traits that we posess as humans are passed down from our parents and family trees along the way. It was once thought that two parents with brown hair and big eyes would only produce children with the same characteristics but that is not the case. Sometimes these people would produce children with little eyes or red hair it was part of their genetic background. Some times the phenotype or outward appearance is not always expressed outwardly. Just like in the punnet square examples where the out come was (Gg heterozygous) and the (GG homozygous dominate) these both looked at from outward appearances appear dominate but are different in their genetic make-up. Everyone holds different variations of the genes which are called the alleles and just like in the dragon lab I was able to play with the alleles and manipulate them to attain the blue, legless, high flying, fire breathing dragon. When using the punnet square as a helper to figure out the outcome of the gametes into offspring the capital letter (G) denotes a dominate allele and the (g) denotes a recessive allele. You know the ole saying it takes two to tango well each person holds inside of themselves two genes for each trait one from the female and one from the male and dominance rules the course for action. For example, in the Fly punnet square as shown, the Gg is dominate and so is the GG. I really liked the labs on genetics. I thin kit is amazing that we have the abilities to predict the outcome of certain plants and animals by using these methods. With these abilities we are able to genetically mutate crops, flowers, and flies to fit into our basic needs.

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